
从1990年开始,公司从事于石油机械设备的配套部件生产,为欧亚大陆和中东地区的石油化工企业提供了优良的产品。“高质量的原材料和精良的制造工艺技术”是我们立足国际市场的宗旨. 1992年公司在中国浙江省新昌成立中德合资企业“浙江康纳尔石油化工有限公司”(获国家批准拥有原油进口配额)从事成品油的生产。 1998年开始租用阿巴斯港的油库,进而从事原油的贸易业务。 2003年获准成为石油输出国组织国家认可的石油机械成套设备的配件供应商。


We are the parts and auxiliary equipment manufacturer for petrochemical machinery since 1990, the products especially for Europe-Asia continent and Middle East market. “High quality and fine producing technology” is our aim of standing international market. In 1992 we established the Germany-China joint venture enterprise “Zhe Jiang Konnal Petrochemical Co., Ltd” located in Xin Chang, Zhe Jiang province, China the factory is mainly producing petrol and relevant by products (be approved import crude oil with country quota by Chinese government). We have hired an oil terminal in Bandar Abbas for crude oil trading in 1998. As the good quality of our products we obtained the permission to be the supplier for the OPEC countries in 2003.





油管安全阀:当井内的流量达到预先确定的流量时使井关闭,安装在地面以下的井的油管中的安全阀。 油管安全阀在控制阀或



密封圈: 在井下工具和广泛范围的地面设备中普遍使用的一种环状密封件。 密封圈材料的规格取决于密封件的使用条件,如系统的工作温度和压力。不论在动态密封还是静态密封的情况下,都使用各种辅助系统来支承密封圈。


Surface tree: A series of valves on production risers that divert flow and control pressure.


Storm choke: A safety valve installed in the tubing of the well below the surface to shut the well when the flow of oil reaches a predetermined rate. Primarily sued on offshore, bay, or town site locations, the tubing valve acts as an automatic shutoff in the event there is damage to the control valve on the Christmas tree.


O-ring: A type of circular seal commonly found in down hole tools and a wide range of surface equipment applications. The specification for which the seal is intended, such as system operating temperature and pressure.



上海康内尔贸易有限公司 Shanghai Konnal Corporation
地址:上海商城路738号胜康廖氏大厦1508室 邮编:200120 电话: 021 5836 1779 传真: 021 5836 0382
Email: info@konnal.com       Website:www.konnal.com